What is 5 G?

5G is a concept, rather than (i.e.) a frequency, and it is a vast concept that is not clearly defined. When we moved from 3G to 4G it was obvious what was new and thereby how to define 4G. With 5G there are many new things - including systemic or fundamental ones - making it hard even for telecom-actors to define or specify 5G.
And now 6G is emerging - so it's better to focus on "electrosmog" which includes all G's.

The G:s and electrosmog
G stands for "generation" - we are now in the fifth generation wireless telecommunications (5G).
1G (wireless telephone calls) was launched already in the 1980s, and for every following generation new functions (text, internet, film, etc.) have been added. This has required the development of the telecom infrastructure which involves an increase in electrosmog.

Electrosmog is a polluting and disturbing form of the electromagnetism found naturally around us. Everything is energy in various forms and all life on this planet is dependent on energy - in advanced collaboration, with subtle signals and slow adaptation over thousands of years. An important part of the energy is electromagnetism → electrosmog has the potential to fundamentally disrupt all organisms and basic functions. This risk and disruption has increased rapidly over the past 20 years.   [Bioinitiative, 2019]

All generations have contributed to the increase of electrosmog - and we already have a serious situation with 4G - but with 5G there is a large increase:

  • More antennas, signals and frequencies;

  • more rocket launches for satellites;

  • signals more disturbing / intense.

Much of the 5G technology is military radar technology (previously used primarily as weapons and surveillance) with laser-like rays and concentrated energy (greater destructive impact). Pulsed signals are constantly sent back and forth between your phone and the antennas as long as you are within reach. More antennas and fewer trees increase reach.

The enormous increase in the number of transmitters (antennas but also mobiles, computers and "smart" products*) creates a comprehensive exposure.   The 5G concept includes Global Wi-Fi, A.I. and IoT.*
*(internet of things, is driven by all "smart" products in Your life - incl "smart" electric cars) ... 
and S.M.A.R.T. means Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology.

In addition, there will be an incredible increase in the number of satellites: More than 90.000(!) 5G custom satellites has approval to be launched, presenting us with increased problems:

  • The rocket launches have a major impact on the environment, climate and health;

  • direct influence on the ionosphere that interacts with all electromagnetism (all life) on the planet.

  • 3D exposure (terrestrial + satellite) globally. [CPTF, 2018]  

5G will cover 3 kHz - 300 GHz (previously used frequencies + new higher frequencies), but the concentration will likely be between 0,6 and 60 GHz for public and commercial use (most assigned bands are below 30 GHz and the 60 GHz-band is free). 30-300 GHz = mm waves.

 -> 60 GHz has extra impact (i.e. Oxygen) but still it is growing fast (the 802.11ad standard) and some companies want to control it. 

The use of 24 GHz is also increasing, affecting water vapor.

Besides these new radar (phased array group) antennas, the 5G concept includes global Wi-Fi. 
Wi-Fi is developing - partly to support 5G: WiGig and Wi-Fi 6 has performance suitable for 5G . And the EU has an initiative to bring free Wi-Fi to the public spaces of Europe.
Also: Airfi and Air-Fi and Li-Fi.

More antennas & gadgets  + more signals & exposure + more (and higher?) frequencies &  higher output.
New routers is a good example: The industry is pushing new versions that have more antennas and frequencies and higher output. Lamps is another good example where "smart" versions are Wi-Fi capable. Philips is a major player.
Solar cells/panels usually 'only' create Dirty electricity, but now also radiation if they are "smart".
(Ericsson is one ex, another is Musk - what happens when he connects "smart solar" to Starlink??)

So, regardless of 5G, electro-smog is increasing already anyway (mostly from 4G LTE or "5G ready" that covers the first phases of 5G).   Ex: Nokia has a 4.9G version  and AT&T has 5GE.

And, all of this "smart" * tech also increases the risk of ...
... a digitalized control society that is vulnerable and A.I.-governed,
... transhumanistic development (characteristic of 6G).

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