Action traps
When one engages to combat the insustainability of a society, there are things to consider/traps to avoid that can complicate and steal time, energy & lust. Some such traps are even 5 G-specific.
This article has a modest ambition and is therefore short ... but concise enough to provide support for those who want to get involved.
Here are three examples of potential traps
1) Our focus should include ELECTROSMOG - not just 5 G. When we are going to understand 5 G info and when we choose how to work with the 5 G issue, it helps to know the context.
It is often unclear what 5 G is, which complicates communication and work. Anyone who cares/wants to get involved should start with this intro - to make it easier for themself and for potential engagement.
2) We need to say what we want - often it is inadequate to devote oneself to what we do not want (e.g. 5 G). Use these goals as inspiration.
We feel good or satisfied for the little effort to share something in social media - whether we reviewed the info before or not, whether it is relevant/constructive or not (for the "stop 5G movement"). We feel togetherness and get attention (unfortunately sometimes limited to few groups & contacts due to filter bubbles and algorithms).
It is important that we do not feel satisfied too early. Important that the IRL meetings &-actions do not suffer from the e-hangout.
Also consider the increasing censorship that is an obstacle for actions & the movement.
Try using alternatives to facebook (i.e. VK and MeWe) and Youtube (Vimeo and similar).
More about censorship and info-war.
Although 5G-involved often knows more than the average about el-smog impact, and even if we are more cautious, we are affected. We must not underestimate how much el-smog affects our mental performance, which is crucial to the success of the "5G goals".
This is relevant to most people when e-life and socialmedia have a strong allure and are addictive. In addition, e-action tends to mean a negligence with info-handling, which is also crucial if we are to succeed.
A third aspect of the e-trap is that we who use "smart" products become part of the 5G networks.
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If we are to succeed, coordination, qualitative info-sharing and strategy are required.
It is not enough that we unaimlessly share a 5G article and get many Facebook thumbs.
It is also important to dare to look critically & humbly at Yourself: What role do I play? Do I have a solid picture & attitude about who I am and what I should be doing regarding 5G/activism? In that case we often limit both ourselves and the possibilities (and reduces speed at work and reduces chances of success).
But be kind and understanding (to yourself and others) since this is new and uncomfortable info.
With good communication, intent and consideration, we will get far.