Becoming active

 There is a lot you can do - both as an individual or in a group: petitions; contact persons in charge; visit events or arrange your own; use law (and, if all this fails, civil disobedience).

Stay positive and balanced - then the commitment usually gets better for everyone involved.

Feel free to create local groups to help each other with activities (see suggestions below).

Positive note: Some of this is already happening + Keys to sxs (see below).

Concrete examples

  • Do not buy 5G-/"smart" products. Use wisely if you already have one.

  • Write to the telecom industry + politicians (also locally) + media: "We do not want 5G". (What do we want? See the last page.)

  • Law & politics as a tool: See more below.

Mixed tips on What to do + What is already done:

International activist pages: Safe Tech international (former Stop 5G intl). + iStory
+  Stop 5G Global  +  Take back Your power   + inPower movement (incl Notice of Liability).
+ A form: contact Your local politicians. + A 5-minute speech [fb] : make Your local council stop 5G. 

important petitions: international appeal to stop 5G on Earth and in Space.  
and European citizens' initiative (ECI) *
 + Petition the EU + Stopping bias in EMF-projects (WHO whistleblower) + Stop 5G drones

* Only one ECI is needed per topic (like "5G/elsmog"), but this one has ended.

Join the "Wait until 8th" campaign (and kids/youth can take a pledge).
Professional appeal for A.I. safety etc.

Overall support:  Action suggestions   +   Conscious activism
 + Activism-handbook/action manual (international, general, focus on quantity.)
Lawyers against Wi-Fi.  + support for whistleblowers .

Legal actions

Sometimes it is easier to pursue cases at local or regional level. More about legal stuff here.
More examples and positivity at the end of this page. 

Meet the public.

These info sheets (incl QR codes) provide support when talking to people:

  • What is 5 G? Why it concerns all.

  • Electro-smog & 5 G impact environment:  1-sided

  • Electro-smog & 5 G impact environment:  2-sided

Questions to ask the public:

  • Do you and your family want the right to avoid constant exposure to cancerous micro-frequency radiation?

  • Should one be asked - and give his consent - before exposure occurs?

  • Should signals of such nature be fully tested for environmental and health consequences before introducing such technology?

If you have answered "yes" to these questions, you agree with several international conventions. 

Make it more concrete by showing values on a el-smog meter, or even make el-smog visible.

Examples of counterarguments and info-handling: Someone you talk to mentions the article in NY Times (May 12, 2109) claiming that the risks of 5G are misleading Russian propaganda. 
This was well analyzed and rightfully criticized by Global Research.

Help the trees:

  • Protest, in appropriate contexts.
  • Hug, to share energy with trees and to keep the chainsaws away.
  • Monitor: Both so that they are not cut down and see if they have been radiation damaged (with the help of this useful guide). 

Watch the antennas: Here's what some antennas look like: 
1]: The Ericsson portfolio of antennas (including indoor , 4G LTE/5G ready and 60 GHz).
Helpful video

2]: Street lights: Connected "smart city" lights by Philips/Signify and Ericsson.  

3]: Router in Your home: Look for "WiGig", "dual-/tri-band" or "802.11ad" (60 GHz).
Also, "smart" LED:s in your home (may say "Wi-Fi" on the product). 
Also look for "MIMO" or "4G LTE" (regarding antennas in general).
If You don't find these words (on the router/LED or website of the company), contact the company. Since this is something you actively bought from a company, there is a Consumer Law that may help You.

Monitor the politics (which affects both the trees and the antennas)

Watch events: Create your own, connect to others. Please coordinate so that there will be many events on the same day in different locations.

Ex: "Disconnected Day - European Mobile Phone and Wifi Strike Day". Takes place the first day of every month (starting 1 July 2019).

Engaging the environmental movement (local groups as well as global) is key.
Due to the lack of public authority division of issues, as well as tradition, electrosmog is usually not seen as an environmental issue - especially by environmental organizations that traditionally only looked at classic environmental issues... and thus been blind to one of the largest and most important environmental issues ever (which it has become in the 2000's).

It is important that environmental and climate work generally incorporates electrosmog among the other factors one is already working with / takes into account, which can go relatively easily when one can use parts of existing structures and resources. 
If you want to provide environmental organizations with scientific evidence, this report should cover the need ... since it has a broad and updated environmental focus
And this flyer is helpful: 1-sided  and 2-sided

Keys to success: 
# Overview, strategy and coordination
# New allies and channels: Environmental movement. 
# Harmonizing:  1) shield from el-smog + strengthen Your bodies energy field ... while waiting/working for
2) safe technology (i.e. Scalar wave).

Use the great power of Your mind and the spoken word to co-create the world we need.

Some of this already happens:  + 5G exposed + ACTION around the world. 
+ practical solutions, f.ex. Tesla-coils and "Quantum Internet". 

Some positive thoughts: 

Conscious/spiritual work: Conscious activism + the power of meditation:  + 

Article: 5G vs 5D.

One positive thing is that electrosmog (unlike chemical contaminants) disappears immediately when the transmitter is switched off.

More info, news, events, activism etc. on the following pages:

Facebook: #stop5G

Microwave News (independent)  +   eeNews  and  IEEE Spectrum (news from the industry).    

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