Top 3 risks (2021)

(regarding human health and evolution)

This list is made from looking critically and awake at the development for several years,
and using science + sound reasoning + holistic puzzling, this is a likely top 3-list. 
The purpose of the list and this article is to keep our focus (in this chaos) on priority risks and how to counteract them ... in order to keep our health and let nature has its course (with human spiritual evolution i.e.).

Top 3 risks

1) Electrosmog

2) Graphene (oxide)

3) Spike proteins

... and they all contribute to inflammation (one of the driving forces of many disease/symptoms - including what is called "COVID-19").

Where are they found/how are we exposed?

1) Electrosmog: Everywhere, all the time.

2) Graphene/G oxide: Found i.e. in C-19 vaccines*, PCR tests, masks, touch screens.

3) Spike proteins: in vaccinated people.

* The C-19 vaccines are by medical definition/criteria not a "vaccine" - rather an "experimental injection" - but this article will call it "vaccine" for the flow of reading.

But shouldn't vaccine & contents be on the list? Maybe in a top 5 list, but since they only affect the vaccinated person, we mention it here instead.

Why a risk?

Starting backwards with nr 3) Spikeproteins
This protein does not behave natural (because it is not). It sticks to most things in Your body, and (being biologically active) it creates disease/disturbance/inflammation there. Studies have shown that the highest accumulation happens in ovaries, which is a factor why women may experience more symtoms/side effects (even unvaccinated).

Because of shedding/transmission**, an unvaccinated person might be exposed to Spike proteins/symtoms if intimate with a vaccinated. But part of the transmission happens via energy (see Energy-text + pic below), which explains why unvaccinated experience symtoms even if they haven't been really intimate.
** Shedding is when organic material/living organisms physically expels from a body (i.e. transfers from one person to another), but that does not cover all possibilities of this phenomenon, which makes "transmission" a better term to use in this context.

Picture 1: intimacy graph
Numbers added from a hypothesized average behavior.
9: A normal handshake is over in a few seconds, not intimate.
8: sitting in a bus/train/cinema for two hours.
7: Hugging less than ten seconds. Intimacy small but varied.
5+6: A few minutes. Medium intimacy and possible sweating.
4: Long exposure + skin contact.  
3: Mechanic, quick sex with a condom. Contact with bodily fluids or shedding.
2: Sleeping: perhaps a little physical intimacy, but mainly mental and spiritual intimacy. We are more open/relaxed/exposed when we sleep. That + duration earns ranking #2.
1: Longer and intimate unprotected sex. 

Energetic transmission happens non-stop. We choose how we receive it. We can embrace, neutralize or reject (harmful) energy. The same with chemicals. = If we are healthy , strong in energy and good at EnergyWork and healing, then we reduce (or eliminate) the risk.
The graph shows i.e. that the higher the risk, the better the E-work needs to be.
The bottom arrow could have "frequency" as a parameter as well (in the case of sex, if u have a onenightstand and then heal, the risk/severity goes down, but if u have it everyday the risk is much higher).

But why do our cells produce Spike proteins if they are dangerous? Because of the re-programming components in the new "C-19 vaccines". These vaccines re-programme cells, potentially hi-jacking our DNA (bringing in the aspect of Transhumanism).

Next, nr 2/Graphene (a substance of densely packed carbon atoms): 
It has many advanced (and electro-active) properties and its use has greatly been increased within medicine and industry. The IT / telecom sector use it for wireless communication and for touch screens (smart phones, pads etc).

The risks of graphene are many - it can interact with neurons (and be integrated into cells) and remotely controlled and be magnetic. When graphene is oxidized* it can create blood clots, lower the immune system (and glutathione level) and (if inhaled) inflame the lungs and throat (which can disable the sense of smell/taste).
* Occurs i.e. via radiation. And in vaccines, for example, there is manufactured graphene oxide.

So apart from getting Graphene from vaccines or emissions (from cooling systems and wireless devices), the G (in our bodies) can interact with EMF/signals.

The protein and G are matter/chemical.
Then we have the most important factor: Energy ...

... leading us to nr 1/Electrosmog (electromagnetic pollution). 
Everything on this planet is created & controlled by energy (including the immune system, bodily functions and individual particles/organisms as well as thoughts and emotions). 
Electrosmog has the potential to go wherever energy goes, and thereby interfere with even fundamental functions.

El-smog has increased a lot during the 2000s (mainly due to mobile telephony), and the expansion of telecom has continued at a high pace despite much else being slowed down due to the "COVID pandemic". 
"5G" has been in focus for a few years now, but it does not matter if it is called 4G or 6G - it is the destructive character of this radiation and exposure (which has also increased) that makes it bad for your health.
Health impact of el-smog is physical but can also affect thoughts and feelings (and may create a technological addiction). Some of the el-smog symptoms are similar to the COVID symptoms.

Image courtesy: Floris Freshman
Image courtesy: Floris Freshman

Electrosmog interacts directly with the other risks/factors above. 
What is the connection between the 5G-system "Delta" (introduced in 2020) and the "Delta-variant of SARS CoV-2"?

And more than making us physically sick, it affects our mind and spirit as well (mainly via elsmog), pushing us closer into Transhumanism. We have to choose 5G or 5D. The more we are connected to the internet/global wi-fi, the less we are connected to our higher self/the soul/oneness/the source (which gives us intuition and ability to see beyond lies and choose wisely).

Everything is energy, and almost everything is information. From the most subtle info embedded in a ray of light or a DNA-string til the most in-Your-face-brainwashing-propaganda tricking people to take the experimental injections called "vaccine".

All the above explains why an unvaccinated person may experience similar symtoms as a vaccinated.

And these top 3 risks may also interact with each other to create an enhanced (combination) effect.

Top risks changes over time: Spike protein and Graphene wasn't top 3 ten years ago, but electrosmog was.


1) Conscious caution (reduce exposure)

2) Energy measures (EMF/el-smog neutralizers, esoteric energy work, healing etc)

3) Diet: Anti-inflammatory + NAC + act Carbon (against Graphene) + Shikimate* (against Spike protein) + vitamin C & D + Zinc + Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) + Ivermectin.
* Found in Star seed Anis, Fennel, Wheatgrass ... and more.

Set/use Your intentions in accordance with the laws of nature.
Be careful but don't live in fear.
Try to like (or even interact with) vaccinated ppl, even though You 1) don't like their decision and 2) want to be healthy & careful. We don't need more polarization in this world.

 - - - - - - - - -

On purpose there is no reference list at the end of this article. 
Use your intuition.
If u forgotten how to use your intuition (or are afraid to use it) , then u have to trust what other ppl say (and hopefully u will listen to peer reviewed and confirmed science/studies).
If u want reference and links, u may look at websites like these: Energy  ;
the infectious myth ; ICAN .  

Kind regards and Good luck! 

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