What's the problem?
An overall problem is that it's in a hurry: Infrastructure
needed (for full 5G etc) has already come a long way, and in many places 5G has already started or is fully on.
We have a higher el-smog pollution exposure than ever.
And the authorities meant to protect us, are not doing that.
Another overall
problem is that electrosmog is a fundamental influence factor
since it affects the weave of energy that runs this planet. Therefore
electrosmog has the potential to influence anything
- everything from small organisms to planetary systems. (Read more about impact of health and environment.)
The impact is influenced by many factors, such as: Frequency band; power density; character of the beam (modulation f.ex.); character of exposure.
And, all of this "smart" * tech also increases the risk of ...
... a digitalized control society that is vulnerable and A.I.-governed,
... transhumanistic development (characteristic of 6G).
* S.M.A.R.T. means Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology.
A documentary (2024) summarizes most of the above. More documentaries under Health.
No wonder then, that
a rapidly growing group of researchers/experts warn in
appeals: https://www.emfscientist.org/index.php/emf-scientist-appeal
+ https://www.5gappeal.eu/
+ https://www.5gspaceappeal.org/the-appeal
(includes satellites and is open to the public).
Even parts of the EU warn: SCHEER (Scientific Committee) and the European Environmental Agency.
More reasons to stop 5G - and the following pages looks closer at health and environment.
One positive thing is that electrosmog (unlike chemical pollution) disappears immediately when the transmitter is switched off.